Mat 19:13-15 ISV Then some little children were brought to him so that he might lay his hands on them and pray. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. (14) Jesus, however, said, “Let the little children come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom from heaven belongs to people like these.” (15) When he had laid his hands on them, he went on from there.
Jesus is around the Jordan river teaching large crowds that have come to hear Him. In the crowd there are Pharisees who have come not because they want to listen to the teachings of Jesus in search of the truth but because they want to test Jesus. While Jesus is teaching they interrupt and ask Jesus if it is lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason. Jesus in a show of grace decides to answer them. His answer basically states that when God made Eve for Adam, divorce was never part of the plan. Divorce is a consequence of the fall and still hurts God’s heart. It just teaches man what a rebellious creature he is.
While Jesus was still teaching, little children were brought to him so he can bless them. Jesus’ disciples (because of their cultural mindset) rebuked those who brought the children and tried to send them away. Jesus commanded that the Children be brought to him because the Kingdom of God belong to people who are like Children.
I want you to see the connection between father, mother, family, divorce and children. Note that bringing the children was not just an isolated incidence. The children were brought because the people heard Jesus teaching about the family.
The disciples thought the children were too young to be blessed by Jesus. That is how many of us today neglect children in the Church.
At Buea Community Church, we value children and you will immediately tell as soon as you get to know us. Welcome!!
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