Day 2 of the Bonduma Food Outreach started with the distribution of food packs from 4pm to 6pm. 14 families received food packs during the distribution. The meeting continued with prayers coordinated by William Tabi who also introduced the praise team composed of Abigail and Jennings who lead in a great time of praise. Next was worship time lead by Pastor Genesis. Susan Moki gave a testimony of what God has done in her life and how God has taken her from nothing to something. Two hymns were sang from the crusade hymn booklet which prepared hearts for the word of God. Pastor Simon Njock the man of God, preached on the topic, “run to the ark you and your family” from Gen :7:1, 2. He said that its time for us to run to the ark of Jesus for salvation not only for our sake but for sake of our families. No matter what sin we commit whether hidden or expose Jesus is still ready to receive us. Hearing the message a man and his wife were touch and they decided to surrender all to Christ. The man of God prayed with them, then Pastor Genesis continued and prayed the closing prayer. There were 51 adults and over 30 children present at the meeting.
Word of Life Devotional
Bonduma Food Outreach Day 1
Then came B.C.C’s Aroma Praise & Worship Team that prepared the hearts of the people for the message. The man of God for the day Pastor Genesis Tinshu was introduced after the choir. He shared the word of God from Luke 23: 26-33. He made the people to understand that Christ decided to get ugly so that we will become handsome and beautiful, he took all the pain on the cross for us to know eternal life. But we still trample on him with all kinds of excuses like “we don’t have time for church now” etc. But nevertheless he is still there to embrace us. He also made them know that it is only the mercy of God that can set us free from sin and that whatever we sow that’s what we shall reap.
After the word of God through the Man of God some people were touched and decided to surrender to Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior. There were about 16 adults and over 25 children who said yes Jesus I will follow you as from today. There after there was prayer for the sick, oppressed and heartbroken. All ended with a closing prayer from the man of God. About 72 adults and 45 children attended day 1 of the outreach. Praise God. Amen.
Pictures at
Bonduma Food Outreach
The Bonduma Food Outreach is an initiative of the B.C.C leaders to reach out to the people of Bonduma village, Buea, Southwest Province of Cameroon materially and spiritually. This program will run from Tuesday the 9th to Saturday the 13th of March 2010. The program involves the sharing of food to 100 homes in the Bonduma village and then reaching the people with the gospel in course of sharing the food. Food distribution will be in the afternoon while in the evening there will be a crusade at the village hall. Preparations are going on smoothly with different committees created who will manage different parts of preparation and the outreach proper. In terms of financing God is faithful and all is marvelously moving well. There was an all leaders fasting on Wednesday 24th February 2010 which ended with prayers at 6 pm in the church auditorium.
There is also going to be general prayer and fasting for the whole church on Wednesday 3th March 2010. Then on Friday 5th March 2010 there is going to be a general All night prayers for the outreach. Hope you join us in spirit and pray that the spirit of God will touch lives during this period to the Glory of God.
Join Youth Ministries Meeting
The meeting began at 5 pm prompt, processing and open prayer was done by Bro William Tabi and Bro Deric Ekoi. Praise and worship was led by two wonderful sisters, sis Laura Ngowo and sis Lilian Namondo. After that we received testimonies, words of encouragements and solo songs from
Bro William Tabi sang a solo song and gave word of encouragement.
Sister Laura Ngowo sang a solo song.
Bro Fidelis gave a testimony about a situation in his life.
Sis Lilian Namondo gave a word of encouragement.
Bro Mbella Moki also gave a word of encouragement.
Sis Unorine Nfor sang a beautiful solo song.
All these brethren drew inspiration from the Bible for solo songs or word of encoragement.
An inspirational and touching solo song from sis Emmaculate Wantoh paved the way and prepared hearts for the man of God for the day’s message. He was Evangelist (Bro Kevin Penda) the leader of the University Students For God. He spoke on the theme “The Word of God” .
The total quorum in the attendance was 12 persons.
The meeting was rounded up by Pastor Simon Njock with a moment of interscertion for the church, outreach and our life and family. After the intersection prayers the were some deliberations on ministry matters and closing prayer done by bro Mbella Moki.
Ministry Meetings for 2010
Your Perspective
The way we see things is very important to God because our future is directly proportional to how we see things.
If you have a blurred image you will not go far in the things of God. Isa:6;1.
If we are focus and have attention on something you become that thing.
Gen: 13:14 let our eyes be focused on where he is taking us to.
Heb 12:2 it’s a desire of God that our focus be in him. He desires us to have a focus in life on him.
2 Cor: 4; 18 we should not focus on what our lives can see focus on the things that are not seen.
Things that are seen will all disappear.
Heb 11:24, 25 we have given our priority to the things around us but God wants us to focus on Jesus because no obstacle will hold us.
The level of how clear we see things will also affect the level of faith we have.
The primary thing God is looking for is our focus.
2 Cor:3; 18 the more we let him rule in us the more we become like him.
If only our eyes are on Jesus every problems will fall.
This message is by Pastor Simon Njock
Bringing in the Harvest
The Second Day Was Marvelous and we all had a wonderful time in the presence of the lord. A very wonderful thing happened that day which was the clash of messages.The first speak and the second speaker prepared the same message unknowingly. They never meet or had any discussion on that day about their teachings but fortunately they prepared the same message, what an awesome work of the Holy Spirit in B.C.C.
The first speaker of the day was Sis Masoh Vincent. She spoke on the Theme
Why we evangelize Jhn 4: 34
We all learned some lessons i will like to share with you.
Firstly we do not necessary have look for crowd before preaching the word, if you have one person speak to the person
– It is not God’s will that all will perish so we have to follow that will too and lead others to the right path.
– Luke 12:32. When you are walking in life remember that you have to do it to please God so as to fill to your heavenly account
We always stop being so sure when Jesus will come so we don’t do the right think. We have to start being so sure that Jesus might come at anytime.
And when you think about the person besides you, knowing that you might go to heaven and he goes to eternal suffering then you will be forced to do evangelism because your way to heaven is not clean when you do not speak to that person.
When you start being serious and realize that Jesus is coming soon you will start preaching to people.
– Heb 2, Heb 12. The great salvation is there. And the price is high that no one can escape, Because God seems to be tolerant.
– Anything that you did because you love God and you love the person then you will have a place at the end. We cannot impress God. Everyday we live is passed and cannot be recovered.
Here the first teacher ended. The second who was Ps. Genesis just threw more light on what the first speaker said.
He had these to say;
Our role is to proclaim the Gospel and Jesus will build his Church because he is the one who can make all things happen.
We can’t sit down and watch people going to eternal suffering at the end of their lives here on earth.
After that all prayed for what they had learned for it to take its place in their lives and manifest.
B.C.C Blessed with a bouncing baby Boy.
Wow Praise God in B.C.C another Multiplication from the lord.
At last the long awaited Brian Genesis Tinshu is in town. He came into the world on Tuesday the 12th of January 2010 at the Mbingo Baptist hospital in Mutengene. Him and the mother returned to Buea on Friday the 15th of January 2010.
They are currently doing well and the new born Brian Genesis Tinshu will be dedicated in church on Sunday the 31st of January 2010.
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